The directions of research implemented by the Institute in chemistry science open a possibility to control and restrict pollutants in food products as well as to improve its nutritional value. This sector has the directions of research with a potential of commercialisation.

Dissemination of chemical pollutants in food products, food supplement, animal food and in other objects

Chemical pollutants, for example chemical substances used in agriculture, water, air or soil pollution and natural toxins from fungus sources, cause danger for food safety. These pollutants must be managed because they cause risk for people.

Studies on nutritional value of food products and their quality parameters

Food products are an important source of raw materials of the processes of metabolism due to their macro-components (proteins, fat and carbohydrates), micro-minerals and vitamins. Apart from that, several components of food products have a great importance in ensuring biological functions and in enhancement of good health. A majority of these food components can be modified in the process of production. These components are also influenced by geographic origin of products.  Therefore this direction of the study has a high social importance.

Development of modern chemical instrumental methods for studies on the quality and harmlessness of food products

The use of modern instrumental methods for the analysis of the quality and safety parameters of food products provides an opportunity to obtain information about toxicity of food products and their influence on health. The volume and quality of knowledge acquired is directly dependant on analytical instruments used. The use of mass-spectrometers in the analysis of food is not an exception. High resolution mass-spectrometric detectors, for example Orbitrap, time-of-flight mass-spectrometer or Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonances that are used by the specialists of analytical chemistry who are experienced in chromatography have already become the leading technologies of mass-spectrometry which provide a range of possibilities starting from the identification of counterparts up to determining small additions in complex samples.

Studies on the influence of production and storage conditions on food quality

Storage and processing conditions have a great influence on the quality of food products. Humidity, temperature, length of storage and the composition of the atmosphere are critical factors that determine food storage conditions. For example, increased humidity might cause damages of the package or the development of micro-organisms. Processing of food products might decrease the contents of vitamins and antioxidants and incorrect technological processing can increase the concentrations of industrial pollutants, for example, polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates, acrylamide and furan. These factors must also be managed because they cause risk for people.