GMO Scientific Expert Commission
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” has established the scientific expert commission on genetically modified organisms (GMO). The commission has been established to ensure the fulfilment of the duties laid down in the Law on Circulation of Genetically Modified Organisms and other regulatory enactments that have been entrusted to the Institute BIOR. In accordance with the law, the Institute BIOR is entrusted the task to issue permits for restricted use of genetically modified organisms.
Institutions willing to use genetically modified organisms in their work are required to submit an application to the Institute BIOR and scientifically justified risk assessment regarding the harmlessness of these organisms. The documents are examined and assessed by the scientific expert commission which will provide scientifically justified opinion to the Institute BIOR; on the basis of this opinion, the Institute makes the decision on issuing the permit.
The scientific expert commission is established by the Institute BIOR and consists of 13 scientific experts which on the basis of invitation made by the Institute BIOR are nominated by scientific institutions employing experts who correspond to the requirements. Experts must have a scientific degree in biology, medicine, veterinary medicine, science of agriculture, engineering science, forestry science, environmental science or in a similar area; the expert must have knowledge in the area of bio-safety as well as publications that have been included internationally available scientific data basis SCOPUS, Web of Science during last five years.
Order on establishing GMO scientific expert commission
Chairman of the Commission: |
Nils Rostoks – Dr. biol., Bioloģijas fakultātes dekāns asociētais profesors, Eiropas Pārtikas Nekaitīguma Iestādes ĢMO Paneļa loceklis. |
Members of the Commission: |
Ainārs Bajinskis – Dr. biol., Latvijas Universitāte, Medicīnas fakultāte |
Andris Dišlers – Dr. biol., APP Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs |
Andris Kazāks – Dr. biol., APP Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs |
Andris Zeltiņš – Dr. biol., APP Latvijas Biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs |
Arta Kronberga – Dr.agr., Agroresursu un ekonomikas institūts (AREI) Priekuļu pētniecības centrs |
Edvīns Miklaševičs – Dr. biol., Rīgas Stradiņa Universitāte, Onkoloģijas institūts |
Elīna Makarova – Dr.pharm., Organiskās Sintēzes Institūts |
Īzaks Rašals – Dr. habil. biol., Latvijas Ģenētiķu un selekcionāru biedrība |
Jānis Liepiņš – Dr. biol., LU Mikrobioloģijas un biotehnoloģijas institūts |
Lelde Grantiņa-Ieviņa – Dr. biol., Pārtikas drošības, dzīvnieku veselības un vides zinātniskais institūts "BIOR" |
Līga Plakane – Dr. biol., Latvijas Universitāte, Medicīnas fakultāte |
Una Riekstiņa – Dr. biol., Latvijas Universitāte, Medicīnas fakultāte |
Register of permits of restricted use of GMO
The Institute of Food safety, Animal health and Environment “BIOR” shall organise and conduct the development and operation of the State information system accessible to the public – the Register of Genetically Modified Organism Circulation.
The following information is to be included in the Register of Genetically Modified Organism Circulation:
- the name of the science institution which has notified regarding the contained use or received a permit for contained use;
- the safety class of the contained use activity;
- a summary of the risk assessment of the permitted contained use activity or activity in the course of the review or a copy of the notification, except for confidential information;
- the purpose of the contained use activity and the validity term of the issued permit;
- an emergency plan, if such is necessary for the intended contained use;
- a list of the owners of the territory, who could possibly be threatened in case of a contained use emergency.
The register of the circulation of genetically modified organisms.
Additional information and legislation
Eiropas Savienības Likumdošana saistībā ar ĢMO
LR Ģenētiski modificēto organismu aprites likums
Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.784 Ģenētiski modificēto mikroorganismu ierobežotas izmantošanas, kā arī atļaujas izsniegšanas un anulēšanas kārtība
Informācija par ĢMO Eiropas Komisijas mājaslapā
Informācija par ĢMO autorizēšanu
Eiropas Komisijas atļautās ģenētiski modificētās pārtikas un barības reģistrs
Informācija par ĢMO Eiropas Pārtikas nekaitīguma iestādes mājaslapā