The main task of the Fish Resource Research Department is to ensure the implementation of Latvia National fisheries and Aquaculture Data Collection Working Plan when performing scientific assessment of fish resources, including the organisation and implementation of hydro-acoustic accounting of mid-water fish and trawls of groundfish as well as by collecting and analysing biological and fishing data regarding catch of internationally regulated species of fish as well as about economic and social condition of fisheries, fish product processing and aquaculture sectors.


Methods of collecting and processing of biological material

Baltic cod otolith collection protocol and age determination method

Baltic sprat age determination methodology

Age determination method of Baltic flatfishes

Collection and processing of pelagic fishes’ biological material

Guidelines for collecting biological data for assessing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations

Guidelines for collecting biological data for the assessment of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) stock

Manual for age determination of Baltic herring

Sampling and treatment of Ichthyoplankton samples

Method for Sampling, Analysis, and Data Processing of Zooplankton Samples

Method for determining age and biological parameters of Round Goby

Methods for Collecting and Processing Oceanographic and Meteorological Data


Methods of collecting of biological material from commercial fishery

Methodology for randomly collecting biological samples from fishing vessels

Handbook for observers Working on Latvian Fishing Vessels in the Baltic Sea 

Collection of biological material from cod during commercial fishing trips

The collection of flounder biological material from commercial fishing trips

The assessment of precision levels for biological material collected during commercial fishing trips


Methodology for monitoring’s carried out additionally

Monitoring of cetaceans and PETS species bycatch in pelagic trawl fishery

Collection of Information of Recreational Fishing at Sea

Guidelines for Shore-Based Flounder Recreational Fishing Survey

European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis larvae monitoring – method description and protocol


Methodology of conduction of scientific surveys

Vadlīnijas Baltijas jūras starptautiskajai bentisko zivju uzskaitei (BITS)

Vadlīnijas Baltijas jūras starptautiskajai pelaģisko zivju hidroakustiskai uzskaitei (BIAS, SPRAS, GRAHS)

Guidelines for Coastal Fish Monitoring (CFM)

Guidelines for flatfish juveniles survey using beach seine (LFJS)

Guidelines for Conducting Benthic Fish Surveys in Gulf of Riga (GORDEM)

Guidelines for Scientific Survey of Turbot (STS)

Methodology for collection, analysis and processing of zooplankton samples

Methodology for collection, analysis and data processing of zoobenthos samples

Guidelines for ichthyoplankton survey in the open part of the Baltic Proper

Methods for sampling, analyzing and processing data of nektobenthos


Data collected during scientific surveys

The amount of biological material collected in scientific surveys