Comparative inter-laboratory testing (SST) is applied to check ability of the respective laboratory to ensure specific testing or calibration and compliance control and comparability of test or calibration results of the laboratory.
The reference functions and duties of the Scientific Institute “BIOR” in the area of the organisation of SST have been provided for in the following legal enactments:
Section 11 of the Veterinary Medicine Law;
Cabinet Regulations No. 864 (2009) “Regulations On Procedures for the Assignment and Accreditation of the Reference Laboratory Status, Functions and Duties Thereof, as well as the Requirements Set for the Plants and Equipment in the Area of Food, Animal Feed and Veterinary”;
Cabinet Regulations No. 404 (2008) “Procedures for the Recognition and Monitoring of Raw Milk Quality Control Laboratory”.
Organisation of SST and assessment of laboratory results is provided pursuant to the requirements of LVS EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 “Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing”. The abovementioned standard replaces the previous ones: ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997 and ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:1997.
ISO 13528:2005 standards on statistical methods applicable in skill tests during inter-laboratory and comparative testing, as well as the information included in the standards of testing methods are also applied for the assessment of results.
Characterisation of the SST schemes organised by the Institute (Annex)
Characterisation and frequency of the SST schemes organised by the Institute in the area of testing of food and animal feed (Annex)
Inese Ozollapa Senior Expert of the Quality Division |
Telephones: +371 67620903 and +371 28395944 E-mail: |
Līva Aumeistere Senior Expert of the Quality Division |
Telephone: +371 67620903 E-mail: |