Taking care of healthy lifestyle of people and improvement of the administrative territory, safe and good quality bathing ground in the territory of each local municipality is an important matter.
The Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” provides monitoring of bathing grounds since 2006. From 2011 local governments and owners of bathing grounds in the territories of which water quality checks are not performed using the state budget funds, can obtain assessment of the bathing water quality at the expense of the owner of bathing ground.
Using the complex of the offered services and varying the frequency of sampling according to the client’s needs, we offer the following paid services:
- Sampling of bathing water;
- Laboratory analyses of bathing water samples (intestinal enterococci, Escherichia coli).
Additional offer includes the following services free of charge:
- Visual observations of bathing grounds: bloom of blue-green algae and other phytoplankton algae, oil products, surfactants, pollution of floating and other waste;
- Opinion on water quality at the bathing ground and recommendations on bathing restrictions. The same as in the previous years, in the 2017 bathing season, several local governments have organised and will finance sampling of the bathing grounds excluded from the Cabinet Regulations as official bathing grounds. According to the territorial division, results of water tests of the unofficial bathing grounds will be summarised at the homepage of the Health Inspectorate, under the link “Water quality of bathing grounds at the unofficial bathing grounds in the 2017 bathing season” indicating the sampling place, results of water quality indicators and conclusion of the Health Inspectorate regarding permission of bathing. Data will be updated quickly after reception of results of water analyses at the Health Inspectorate;
- Consultations regarding the action to be taken by the owner of bathing ground in cases of inappropriate results, short-term pollution and other matters related to bathing grounds.
Service costs
The owners of bathing grounds or local government pay EUR 28.54 + VAT for each survey. During the bathing season, 5 surveys have to be conducted that amounts to EUR 142.70 + VAT for each bathing ground located at the respective territory, unless the owner of bathing ground opts for more frequent control than required in the regulatory enactments.
Consult with the institute “BIOR”
For detailed information, please contact our experts at the Sales Division via telephone: +371 67620359 or e-mail: sales@bior.lv.