Why is it important?
Shelf-life is one of the most important indicators, when the consumers choose foods. Producers and distributors must calculate “lifespan” of the product correctly and accurately “”to ensure harmlessness of food throughout the shelf-life period of the product pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs.
The institute “BIOR” offers you
The scientific institute “BIOR” offers you checking the shelf-life of the product to determine compliance thereof with the criteria set by the producer throughout the shelf-life period at certain storage conditions. This service is important during the development phase of new products and can be useful in finding evidence on prolongation of shelf-life period of an existing product making sure that the product retains quality and remains harmless for longer time.
During the laboratory research, we also offer you to determine the period during which the food should be used after the opening of the package.
Each research of shelf-life is a unique project combining product specification, quality requirements, legislative aspects and experience of our laboratory specialists in the sphere of physico-chemical, micro-biological and sensory testing.
Consult with the institute “BIOR”
For detailed information, please contact our experts at the Sales Division via telephone: +371 67620359 or e-mail: sales@bior.lv.