Scientific Publications

The results of research work of the Institute are depicted in individual or collective international publications of the researchers.
The aim of the Institute is to enhance the quality of the scientific work. One of the activities in this area is to publish high quality scientific articles in the magazines that are included in Thomson Reuters Web of Science or Scopus data basis of references. These data basis include only assessed magazines which correspond to high criteria of quality and make contribution to the area of science. The aforementioned ensures that the publications of the Institute are reviewed and that they are available for other researchers in the world, as well as that they correspond to the criteria for quality and ethics determined for the authors by scientific journalists.
Since 2010, in total there have been about 300 high-quality scientific publications published by the researchers of the Institute. These publications have been included in Thomson Reuters Web of Science or Scopus data basis. The average factor of influence of the publications of the researchers of the Institute exceeds “2” in the period of time since 2007.
In addition to the articles included in the large data basis of reference, the researchers of the Institute have prepared also other publications. In the period of time from 2010 to 2017, four patents in the area of chemistry have been received.

Publications per year

An important research work and work in the preparation of the new generation of scientists is performed also during the preparation of PhD, MA or BA papers, and advising in their preparation.

Detailed information about the scientific work, projects implemented and cooperation of the Institute can be found in the Annual Public Review of the Institute.


List of publications