"Development, promotion and sustainable management of the Baltic Sea Region as a coastal fishing tourism destination"  #R065

RETROUT is a three-year (10/2017–03/2021) project promoting the Baltic Sea region as a coastal fishing tourism destination. Recreational fishing in the Baltic Sea, which partly relies on sea trout, has unused potential for sustainable growth. The project aims to develop better opportunities for fishing tourism, advise on relevant policy regulations, and develop management methods for sea trout in the Baltic Sea region. This will be achieved through cooperation between project partners providing thematic expertise in river restoration, tourism development, fishery and ecosystem service management.

The project comprises 14 partners from Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, including HELCOM as an intergovernmental organization. Stockholm County Administrative Board is the lead partner responsible for the overall project coordination. RETROUT is a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Bioeconomy. It is co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme under the Natural resources priority field.

The total costs of the project are EUR 3 221 336.40 where ERDF funding is 85%.

Institute's "BIOR" part is EUR 103 450.00, with ERDF funding of 85%, 15% co-financing.

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This article is prepared with the financial support of the European Union. The content of this article is entirely the responsibility of the Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and the Environment BIOR and under no circumstances is the official position of the European Union.