
Research project proposal Nr. „One Health multidisciplinaiy approaches for Epidemiology and Prevention of selected parasitic zoonozes (OMEPPAZ)” was approved under activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid” specific objective 1.1.1 “To increase the research and innovation capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and their ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure” of operational programme “Growth and Employment”.

The overall objective of the research will be to use a multi-disciplinary, „One Health” approach to promote the study and tackle issues associated with foodborne parasites, addressing existing gaps in our knowledge regarding occurrence, transmission, epidemiology, harmonization of methods, and prevention. Skills and knowledge will be transferred from international laboratories and researchers. Close communication with end-users (physicians, veterinarians, consumers etc.) will ensure that the research does not lose focus on the main objective. 

The main research result will be building a capacity of existing knowledge regarding foodborne parasites and the excellence of the post-doctorate will be achieved with a significant focus on quality and research challenges in fundamental sciences. Within the project the Excellence centre of Foodborne parasitic pathogens in a form of open laboratory supporting good laboratory practice (GLD) will be developed and it will provide a platform for knowledge and technology transfer.

The cooperation institution is The State Education Development Agency (SEDA). Project duration is 36 months. Total costs are 133 806 EUR where 85% is finansed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


4th of July, 2017