Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR announces post-doctorate pre-application selection in measure “Post-doctoral research aid” of specific objective 1.1.1 “To increase the research and innovation capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and their ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure” of operational programme “Growth and Employment”.
In this pre-application selection round can participate the post-doctorate, which is Latvian or foreign scientist and obtained a doctorate degree no earlier than five years before deadline of the project submision in the Post-doctoral research aid tender announced by State Education Development Agency. Expected submission deadline (October 2016.) This is open post-doctorates pre-applications selection regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, political affiliation, social status or other indication.
The aim of the pre-application selection round in the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR is to select the post-doctorates for preparation and implementation of research projects according to the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR development strategy and research programme in the following priority fields: Chemical sciences, Environmental sciences, Public and environmental health, Fisheries, Veterinary sciences.
The post-doctorates pre-applications deadline of submission is from 01.08.2016 - 05.10.2016.
Post-doctorate pre- application is submitted electronically by sending to an email address, personally or by mail to the address Lejupes iela 3, Riga, LV-1076, Latvija).
Pre-application selection round documents:
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR the post-doctorate pre-application regulations;
Annex I „Post-doctorate application pre-selection for the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR”;
Annex II „Research project proposal”;
Annex III „Post-doctorate acknowledgement”;
Annex V „Evaluation criteria”.